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CentreForum is an independent think tank that develops evidence-based research to influence both national debate and policy making.

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Our driving principle is to promote opportunity for all and particularly for those in disadvantaged circumstances. Our work over the next two years will focus on policies to deliver good educational outcomes for all young people; on action to improve support and opportunities for those with mental health problems; and on raising the quality of rehabilitation in the justice system. We will do this through our evidence based and data-driven research and publications; consultation with commentators, government and those on the frontline; and hosting events that bring together leading thinkers and decision-makers in these important areas of public policy.

CentreForum is a charitable organisation.


CentreForum has contributed enormously towards efforts to tackle educational failure and boost social mobility.

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It’s exciting that influential progressive organisations such as CentreForum are coming up with new ideas for presenting data... Mobile App

CentreForum has an excellent record in providing innovative ideas to address the key issues in education.